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Part 4 of the Essential 4 Certification. Get Immediate Access When You Register NOW!

Class 4 - The Forgiveness Fire©

September 22, 2023  |  9:30 - 5:00 CDT
Near Chicago and Online via Zoom

  • The Forgiveness Fire© truly and naturally sets the stage for the ultimate healing called Forgiveness.  It’s a process that effectively takes you out of victimhood and resentment into a healthy level of acceptance. 


  • When guided through the hypnotic journey to the Forgiveness Fire, a sacred fire that transcends all time and space, you are given the gift of Spirit- healing and connecting to something greater than yourself. Randi Light’s Forgiveness process also has the power to initiate another level of joy and intuitive activation. 

  • In addition, it fosters healing in the quantum field as demonstrated by the number of times a client is immediately contacted by the very person invited to the forgiveness fire, while they are in deep hypnosis, Whether the strained relationship was only a few days, months, or many years.

  • As part of the Forgiveness Fire process, anyone you need to forgive or needs to forgive you, or both, including yourself, or someone who has already passed on can come for healing.  But it’s higher self to higher self not ego self, which makes it much easier to communicate, forgive, accept, let go and move forward in your life.

The Forgiveness Fire© process includes:

  • A hypnotic induction and journey in which you set intentions and discover inner resources that prepare you for letting go of what no longer serves you

  • Inviting in a Guide, Mentor or Angelic Presence to travel with you for support and strength

  • The alpha and theta brain wave state of deep hypnosis, combined with The HeartMath Breathing Technique which easily cultivates self-love and strength as well as preparation for communicating from the heart

  • Energetic cord cutting to take back energy and soul fragments and become complete and whole again

  • An opportunity to connect with the light and unconditional love of Source and channel it through the chakras into you as well as the option to channel the energy into the person you invited to the forgiveness fire

  • Experience and use the restorative power of the ho'oponopono prayer to enhance the healing process, make upgrades to old belief systems and create deep and lasting change on the cellular level

  • Meeting, experiencing, connecting, and celebrating with your future self as a result of the forgiveness process

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Learn the System Randi Light has Used to Help Thousands of Her Clients Achieve Success!


"In just one session, I did more [in one day] than I have in weeks—or could do in weeks! I just started thinking healthy and feeling healthy"

-Barb Quinn

The Essential 4 Success System must include this enlightening 4th session.  It sets up future successes, builds a foundation of confidence as well as trust in you and in the hypnotic process.  The first session begins the journey of deeper self-love. 


If you on the same page as me and realize how much easier and quicker change takes place when your client learns to love and accept themselves, then join us.  I promise you and your clients will love the experience, the changes and the new courageous and loving energy awakened.


Other creative endeavors and hypnotic enhancers that lead you to achieve a 90% success rate.


  • Discover and utilize a Success Agreement that initiates the identity upgrades in your client


  • Discover how and when to give a special gift to your client in hypnosis that opens their hearts to their true selves


  • Install the 4 L’s so that your client has the ability to learn from every life experience, laugh at things that used to bother them, let things go that no longer serve them and love themselves unconditionally

  • Learn how to employ a success manual (a guidebook) and hypnosis audio recordings to override sabotage and reinforce the neural pathways of confidence, self-love and focusing on what you want instead of what you don’t want

Become an Essential 4 Certified Specialist and Catapult Your Client Success Rates

The Essential 4 Success System- Advanced Training Options ~ 2023

In Person, Online or At Your Own Pace

The Only Live Online and In-Person Training in 2023

September 22-25, 27 & 28, 2023

Location: ZOOM & NW Indiana (Near Chicago) 

INVEST NOW in the entire training and receive a BONUS Class

Registration Closes Wednesday, September 13

Check out the rest of the sessions to get your clients from the


This easy-to-follow system plants the seeds for success before you ever
hypnotize them.  This system can be used with EVERY client challenge.

Here's The Essential 4 System In A Nutshell

Class 1 - Stress Reducing, Confidence Building

September 22

9:30 am - 5:00 pm CDT

This first session with its scientific and experiential pre-talk, sets up positive
expectations and empowering rapport to ensure your client gets same day results
and has a great hypnotic experience. During hypnosis, you deliver suggestion that
build confidence, reduce stress, strengthen the ego and assist your client in
responding more resourcefully and peacefully to the world. Learn More

Class 2 - Affect Bridge Regression with Hypnotic Enhancers

September 23

9:30 am - 5:00 pm CDT

Stop treating symptoms of out-of-control emotions. Get to the root cause and resolve it.

4 Strategies you must include for rapid transformations. Learn More

Class 3 - Time Line Therapy to Upgrade Limiting Beliefs 

September 24

9:30 am - 5:00 pm CDT

Are your clients continually blocked by their painful past? By addressing limiting beliefs as well as how your clients code past and future memories, your clients become more resourceful, present, joyful and move forward as the best version of themselves. Learn More

Class 4 - The Forgiveness Fire™ Protocol - The Ultimate Healing

September 25

9:30 am - 5:00 pm CDT

Has past trauma controlled your clients for too long? This process effectively takes your clients

out of victimhood and resentment into a healthy level of acceptance and an empowered next

level of achievement. 

Get Immediate Access When You Register and Start Your Training Now.
Anchor 1


  • The Essential 4 Success System

  •  Individual Classes 

  • Payment Plans

Your Investment is $1997
4 Payments of $561.50*

*I understand that I will be charged monthly until paid in full and I am responsible for payment in full regardless of status, or cancellation. No Refunds will be given.

*Register By March 1st, 2023 for Your 3 Empowering BONUSES
BONUS 1 ~ Spiritual Hypnosis Online Retreat
BONUS 2 ~ Ultimate Goal Setting Vision Board Workshop
BONUS 3 ~ 1-1 Private Clarity Call with Randi

Disclaimer: Hypnosis-Coaching is a natural and relaxing process to help you overcome and improve areas you've been challenged and help you live a happier, more successful life. Results vary and are different for each individual. Everyone's life experiences are different and unique. Your success will be contingent upon a variety of issues such as your ability to follow instructions, follow through and cooperation. You are responsible for your experience and Randi Light, Enlightened Living Hypnotherapy and Associates do not accept responsibility for your experience. By reading content on this website or using these services, you agree to hold harmless Randi Light, Enlightened Living Hypnotherapy and Associates. Hypnotherapy is not designed to be a replacement for medical assistance. If you are need of medical assistance, please contact your appropriate medical or psychiatric professional.
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If you have any comments and or suggestions relating to improving the accessibility of our site, please don't hesitate to contact our accessibility coordinator at Your feedback will help us make improvements. Thank you.

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